Saint John, 2019



Project Intro

Both the Saint John Arts Centre and the Teen Resource Centre work to advocate for, and celebrate the talent and potential of Saint John youth. The I-Click photography program is a natural collaboration that uses photography as a tool for storytelling for youth in our communities who have their own stories to tell. It seeks to garner a more genuine understanding of our community, and all of its members.

Over the course of the program, participants engaged in a series of workshops with professional photographers, one-on-one visual storytelling sessions, and group exercises and critiques.

The I-Click Photography program welcomes you to Focus, an exhibit highlighting the everyday struggles and celebrations, told by our youth.

A special thanks to the professional photographers and organizations who gave their time, talent, and expertise: Neinke Izurieta, Michael Mohan, Lorne Power, Jones Gallery, Print 3 Saint John, Far Away Kitchen, Mensah Cuisine, and the UYES program.

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Event Details
